
Reconciliation Action Plan

At Myli – My Community Library (Myli), we value our community’s diversity. We are committed to providing inclusive, welcoming and safe spaces for everyone who engages with us, regardless of race, culture, religion, sexuality, gender identity, age or ability. We recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are these lands’ first storytellers and that there is so much more we can learn from First Nations peoples and cultures.  

Myli is privileged to operate on Country belonging to the Bunurong/Boon Wurrung, GunaiKurnai/Kurnai and Wurundjeri peoples, who have nurtured and cared for the waters, skies and lands for many thousands of years, and continue to do so to this day. We are committed to working with these Traditional Custodians and First Nations representatives from across our communities respectfully and authentically. We acknowledge that our libraries have an important role in enabling access to resources and supports that empower and educate every member of our communities, particularly those most vulnerable.  

In November 2023, Myli chose to formalise the wonderful work our staff do each day in creating inclusive and culturally safe spaces and services. We formed an internal working group to work towards publishing our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) through Reconciliation Australia. A formal RAP provides a framework that will support Myli in building relationships, developing safe and inclusive spaces, collections, and services, and working effectively towards meaningful, lasting reconciliation across our communities.  

The working group, chaired by our CEO, Leanne Williams, and comprising of members of staff from across each of our four shires, meet regularly to reflect, share ideas, and coordinate actions and initiatives that meaningfully embed First Nations knowledge and practices across our service. We coordinate events, such as the recent popular Great Book Swap in celebration of Indigenous Literacy Day, which supported the Indigenous Literacy Foundation in providing books and learning resources to children living in remote communities across Australia.  

At Myli, we’re passionate about literacy, literature and lifelong learning. We believe every child, everywhere deserves to be supported and encouraged to develop a love of books and reading, and to see themselves and their culture reflected in those stories. We know that we have an important role to play in this space and look forward to expanding this further as we develop our RAP.  

Myli Libraries are committed to creating and maintaining collections that genuinely represent and respect the rich knowledge and diverse perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Decisions about the First Nations materials in our collections are made through purposeful reflection and a self-determination lens. We are dedicated to amplifying the voices of First Nations authors, illustrators and creators, and avoid any actions that may erase or distort our shared histories, no matter how uncomfortable they may be.  

Australia is home to some of the oldest continuous cultures on earth. We choose to celebrate these Nations’ rich, vibrant histories and support the ongoing preservation of language and culture through storytelling and community connections. We deeply value the relationships we have developed throughout our networks, including our partnerships with Aboriginal-led health institutions and community projects, Koorie Education Coordinators and Support Officers, local Elders, allies, and like-minded organisations. Additionally, our library staff work alongside schools and Early Years services to provide support to access resources and information that enable teachers and educators to feel confident embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in the curriculum.  

In recent years, Myli was invited to become part of the Bass Coast Reconciliation Network as one of five auspice organisations that work together on common reconciliation and recognition actions. Members include Phillip Island Nature Parks, Westernport Water, Bass Coast Shire Council, Bass Coast Health, and now Myli. Together with the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community representatives, and the Bass Coast South Gippsland Reconciliation Group, we have developed a reputation for facilitating quality, meaningful events promoting reconciliation initiatives across Bass Coast. Additional partners include West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority and South Gippsland Water, who are a part of the Events Working Group to support event coordination, along with local businesses, contractors and allies. By working together, we have a greater impact and lessen the burden on local Custodians and Community.   

Myli will continue to proudly and passionately move forward towards meaningful, lasting reconciliation, guided by our developing RAP framework, organisational values, and our relationships with First Nations Communities and organisations. We are committed to learning and growing as an organisation, enabling access to knowledge and resources for everyone. Myli is dedicated to continuing to develop our First Nations resources and collections with a clear self-determination lens, and ensuring our spaces and services are culturally safe and inclusive, reflective of the diversity of our communities.

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