
New Arrivals: Mental Health & Well-being

New Arrivals: Mental Health & Well-being

The global COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone, everywhere in different ways. People have been directly affected by the life-threatening disease, dealing with the loss of loved ones, affected by job loss and financial stress, physical isolation and faced with challenging social restrictions and change.

The fear and anxiety associated with dealing with this current situation can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in both adults and children.

Our new arrivals feature a collection of ebooks and eaudiobooks written by leading experts, with practical tips and strategies tackling a range of topics including resilience, loss and grief, anxiety, depression, coping with change, healthy habits, self-development and mindfulness.

This collection for adults, parents and teens includes a range of ebooks and eaudiobooks designed to unpack complex issues and act as a self-help guide to help manage the daily challenges.

Click on a title below to find out more or reserve a copy.






This advice does not replace clinical advice or experience. If you or anyone you know needs assistance with a personal crisis please contact Lifeline 13 11 14 and if a life is in danger please call 000.


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